
The Black Cat Blue Sea Award

While I normally aim to do book tags on Thursday, this week is different, because I was nominated for the Black Cat Blue Sea award! Thank you so much to the blogger behind Fictionally Crazy for nominating me – this really means a lot to me! If you haven’t checked out this blog, you absolutely should. There’s a really interesting vibe, and a fun voice to the whole blog!

What is the Black Cat Blue Sea Award?

This award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody, and no matter how many viewers they get, make an impact on a reader. This award is an expression of gratitude to the nominee. It should be awarded to anybody that you choose deserves it, and it doesn’t mean that they must have hundreds of followers and likes.


  • Anybody nominated can nominate seven (lucky number) other bloggers.
  • Anybody nominated answers three questions.
  • The questions you ask while nominating can be any three questions.
  • If any of the questions asked are offending or the nominee simply does not want to answer them, the nominee does not have to answer them to earn the award.

Here’s the questions I was asked:

If you could trade lives with a fictional character, would you do it? And if you had to, whom would you choose?(I just couldn’t let this one go!)

Oh hell yeah I would! I’d want to swap lives with someone like Feyre from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, because how cool would it be to live in Velaris with a guy who treats you like a queen, be able to fly, and be surrounded by magic? I can’t think of a life I’d rather live!

Would you mind sharing a funny/ embarrassing moment of yours you experienced?

I remember being in college and working at an Arby’s restaurant that my uncle owned. I was working on the back line, but it was slow, and the manager was making idle conversation with me. She was asking if I had a boyfriend, and I told her I didn’t at the time. She asked why not, since I was smart, funny, and pretty. I didn’t know what to say and kind of just wanted to end the conversation completely, but instead of just saying that, I awkwardly just said “oh, I have to go make a sandwich,” even though the store was completely empty and it was blatantly obvious that no one had asked for a sandwich. Either way, she never asked me about that topic again! 😂

What is the one weird dream you had that you remember?

I rarely remember any dreams when I wake up. Even when I do remember them, I always forget them within a few minutes of waking up.

Here’s my questions:

  • If you could read any book over for the first time, which one would it be?
  • What is your most unique characteristic?
  • What is your favorite book to movie adaptation?

I’m nominating:

Dini @ DiniPandaReads

Kristy @ Caffeinated Fae

Riddhi @ Whispering Stories

Leelynn @ Sometimes Leelynn Reads

Whitney @ BooksWhitMe

Categories: Awards

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26 replies »

  1. Omg, that awkward moment! Haha I honestly hate it when people ask me that question though, so I totally relate 🙈 Too funny, Leah! I loved reading your answers and I’m looking forward to answering your questions. Thanks so much for the nomination ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my goodness, I agree. I would love to be Feyre… I am in the middle of the series now and I just smitten by him (not going to say here because of spoilers because you know haha) 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on the nomination! 🥳

    And ugh, SO many things wrong with a manager asking about an employee’s love life. Like, I’m naively sure she meant it as a compliment, but the whole concept of “You can’t possibly be so awesome on your own!” makes me do a Liz Lemon epic eye-roll. Your response was smoother than what I would’ve come up with in that situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And yes, it was such a cringe-worthy moment and it was the first time I ever experienced a conversation like that. I know she meant well, since she was such a sweetheart, but I had absolutely no idea how to handle that, and my inner awkward nerd just totally took over, but that has wound up becoming my default awkward situation response! Feel free to use it whenever you want!


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