Top Ten Tuesday

TTT – Reasons Why I Love Reading

Top Ten Tuesday used to be a weekly post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, but was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. “It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.” This is definitely something I can understand and want to participate in.

This week’s topic is: reasons why I love reading, and it was surprisingly hard to come up with 10. I’ve been reading on my own since I was 3 years old, and I always knew how much I enjoyed it, but I just never thought hard about why. After some deep thought, I managed to come up with 10 reasons, though. Here they are:

  1. Books can teach me new things. A lot of times when I come across a new idea, fact, or unknown term in a book, I will stop and look it up, even if it’s in fiction. Historical fiction is great for teaching information, especially when they are based on real events, and non-fiction has expanded my knowledge an incredible amount and changed how I view the world (and myself). 
  2. Reading builds empathy. Books often require us to put ourselves in a character’s shoes, and I often wonder what I would do if I was in that situation. It’s easy to judge from outside a situation, but when we see inside a situation, we often develop more empathy and understanding. Once we have that, it is easier to apply it to the real world. 
  3. Books can be an escape. I turn to books when I’m stressed, scared, angry, nervous, happy, sad, or feeling any other strong emotion. Basically, reading is a great way to get outside myself and take my mind off how I’m feeling.
  4. Reading gives me insight into other cultures. I love reading about experiences different than my own, and seeing not only the differences, but also the similarities. It’s never a surprise to realize that we are always more similar than different, no matter what. 
  5. Books make me smarter. They’ve built my vocabulary and gotten me to think creatively. And this isn’t even talking about the books that present factual information in an accessible way.
  6. Reading has made me more creative. I’ve been reading since I was very young, and it strengthens my imagination. I create detailed pictures in my head based on what I’m thinking reading, and I’ve been thinking up my own stories for decades now.
  7. Books open a doorway to new worlds. I specifically love fantasy, and each fantasy book is a portal into a different world. Entering a new world is an attraction that I just can’t resist.
  8. Reading gives me something to do. Rather than just sit around and watch television, which I have trouble focusing on, I would much rather read. It helps me stay occupied and engaged in something that keeps my mind busy.
  9. Books keep me from feeling lonely. Okay, this is going to make me sound a little lame, but as someone who is disabled and struggles to get out and socialize as much as I’d like, I find a lot of solace in books. I can kind of put myself into the books so deeply that I don’t feel alone, even when I am. I mean, it doesn’t hurt that I’m an introvert and books also give me the extrovert experience without having to drain myself to get it.
  10. Reading provides the opportunity to experience things I’ll never get the chance to. Spending time in the past? In the future? Outer space? A royal court? Traveling all around the world? These are all things that aren’t on my list of things that could happen in my lifetime (although I’m not fully ruling out traveling around the world). But … I can do them in books. I can have any experience I ever wanted, as long as I find the right book. It’s affordable, guaranteed to be safe, and I can do it from the comfort of my own home. 

With all these reasons, what’s not to love about reading? What do you love about reading?

24 replies »

    • I’m so glad that others feel the same way. Books were so instrumental in helping me feel connected during lockdown, and I definitely understand feeling like I’ve lost a friend when I finish a book.


    • Oh thank goodness! I was so nervous about putting it on there because I was worried that I’d look like such a dork, but a couple of people have commented on that specific point, so I’m really glad I took the chance and included it.


  1. We have a lot of the same reasons for loving reading. I forgot about vocabulary, very true, it really helped me when I was young, and I love learning new words. And loneliness, I forgot about that, it does make you feel less alone!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, yes, yes to all of these! I think the fact that books build empathy may be the most important reason to read. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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