Book Review

That Time I Got Drunk And Saved A Human By Kimberly Lemming

That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Human

  • Author: Kimberly Lemming
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Publication Date: March 5, 2024
  • Publisher: Orbit
  • Series: Mead Mishaps #3

Thank you to Orbit and Angela Man for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

When a spirited young woman with a penchant for adventure finds herself locked away in a dragon’s tower, she realizes that fate has a peculiar sense of humor when it comes to her romantic prospects, in this laugh-out-loud fantasy rom-com.

All children are told fairytales. Some are epic adventures with high stakes and exciting twists, while others are tales of pitiful princesses trapped in boring towers pining for their Prince Charmings to come and rescue them. Growing up, Cherry always hated those stories. Why didn’t the princesses just get up and rescue themselves? Little did she know that her own fate would take an ironically similar turn. Because now, here she is. Stuck. In a tower. Turns out, when a dragon holds you hostage, he doesn’t just let you get up and leave.

Who knew?

And just when Cherry thinks she sees hope on the horizon, that hope is smashed to bits by—you guessed it—another damn dragon.

Since I chuckled and swooned my way through the first two books in this series, I was expecting more of the same in this third book. And there’s something so wonderful about finding an author that I know will consistently write a great story, full of wonderful characters that enchant me, just the right amount of spice, and the perfect amount of humor.

In this book, Lemming avoids falling into the trap of creating formulaic novels. The story starts out with a nod to fairy tales, with our feisty heroine, Cherry, being trapped in a tower by a dragon who thwarts her efforts to escape. And it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that Cherry is sister to Cinnamon, heroine from book one. Despite all the failed escape attempts, Cherry doesn’t give up hope. And she’s in the middle of another escape attempt when she encounters a different dragon, and incorporates him into the attempt by drugging him.

Unfortunately for Cherry, while under the influence of this substance, Dante the dragon claims Cherry as his wife and brings her to his house, not back to her own. And that’s where the snarky banter really starts. We get the point of view of both characters, and while I loved Cherry just as much as all the other women of the Mead Mishaps series, Dante didn’t quite live up to the super high expectations that the previous suitors had left me with. Don’t get me wrong, Dante wasn’t a boring or bad character at all. But he didn’t quite have as much charisma for me, for some reason. 

Both Dante and Cherry are intriguing characters, and I liked them together once they were actually together, but it kind of felt more as if they got together because they were in close proximity, rather than because of an actual bond. The other character pairings felt like they developed in a more natural way, but this one felt a little more forced in the beginning. Once they were together, I enjoyed the story a lot more, and I especially appreciated the way that Dante went to the other guys for advice on how to woo Cherry. 

Overall, this was a fun read, and this was a good addition to the series. It’s a moderately paced story with well-developed characters, and a good amount of spice. Just beware going into this book that you’re going to be cracking up while reading it. And after binge reading these books, I know that I have a new auto-buy author.

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