Top Ten Tuesday

TTT – Authors I’d Love A New Book From

Top Ten Tuesday used to be a weekly post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, but was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. “It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.” This is definitely something I can understand and want to participate in.

I’m really excited for this week’s prompt, which is authors I’d love a new book from. Jana explains that these could be authors that have passed away, who have retired from writing, who have inexplicably gone quiet, or who might just not be able to keep up with how quickly you read their books!) This really gives us a lot to work with, so here are some of the authors I would love to see a new book from:

  1. Rena Rossner. I love the two books that she has put out, and she was the very first author that comes to mind when I thought of this topic.
  2. George R.R. Martin. I’ve been waiting for his next book for more than a decade. So he earned his place.
  3. Leigh Bardugo. It doesn’t matter how fast this woman puts books out, I would still be thrilled if it was faster.
  4. Gillian Flynn. She hasn’t put out a new book in ten years, and I really enjoyed all of her other books, so it would be nice to get a new one.
  5. Stieg Larsson. He passed away after the third book in the Millennium series, and another author took over. Although I haven’t read the new author’s take on the series, I’d still like to see where Larsson would have taken it.
  6. Edgar Allan Poe. This man was brilliant, and I would love to see what he would have written if he could write another book today.
  7. Gina L. Maxwell. She consistently pumps out novels (yeah, that pun was intended 😉), but she’s another author that I just can’t get enough of. 
  8. M.A. Carrick. This duo put out the Rook & Rose series, and I’m sure it takes a while to actually write a book, but I’d be ecstatic if I could get a new book from them.
  9. Diana Gabaldon. Granted, her books are ginormous, and they’re researched meticulously, but I still wish that I could have one today.
  10. Alice Hoffman. I’ve read quite a few of her books, and they’re all so great that I would love to have a new one.

Who are some authors that you’d love a new book from? Are any of these on your list?

18 replies »

  1. It’s always interesting to see the authors who have written such popular novels like Diana, but haven’t written anything beyond that. Another author that falls into that is Suzanne Collins although now she did write THG prequel, so maybe she’s going to write more again. 🙂

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