Sunday Bookish Discussion

Bookish Discussion Sunday

Photo by cottonbro studio on

Happy Sunday everyone! I know the weather has been unpredictable and wildly varying depending on where you are, but it has been hot and sunny where I am. The beautiful days this last week have made me think about how many of my habits change depending on the weather—my drink order, my food, and also the kind of books I prefer.

I guess I fall under the type of mood reader that is classified as a seasonal reader? It wasn’t until I started tracking my books that I realized that I read certain genres more in fall and winter, and others in spring and summer. I’m curious to see if any of you also change your reading habits depending on the season. My social calendar has gotten busy this year as well, so I’m expecting to read fewer books this summer than usual. Last summer I spent a lot of time in the house, because my mother had just had hip surgery, but I’m curious to see if my reading drops this summer because of my social life increasing. 

If you were wondering, in fall and winter I find myself reading darker stories—mysteries, gothic fantasies or mysteries (think Rachel Gillig or Rachel Hawkins), grimdark fantasy, and even dipping a toe into horror as long as it isn’t too scary. Cozy fantasy, cozy mystery, contemporary stories, romance, women’s fiction, and light beach reads are perfect warm-weather reads for me. 

Do you find your reading tastes changing depending on the season?

10 replies »

  1. I’m definitely a seasonal reader. I love to read adventure stories in summer, particularly nautical fiction. Autumn is for fantasy, often leaning towards the darker stuff, while winter makes me crave cosy reads.

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  2. Nope- the weather doesn’t affect my reading. But over the Holidays, it has become tradition to read “A Christmas Carol”, but the other books I read over Winter have nothing to do with the weather

    Liked by 1 person

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