Top Ten Tuesday

TTT Winter TBR

Top Ten Tuesday used to be a weekly post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, but was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. “It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.” This is definitely something I can understand and want to participate in.

Today’s post is about my winter TBR (to be read) list. While I also post the books I plan to read monthly, this is posted at the very beginning of the month, and it’s always subject to change based on books that are approved through review sites, what books are available, and whatever books happen to catch my eye (most often at my public library, which is conveniently situated fairly close to my house).

I have way more than 10 books on hand at the moment, and a TBR list that makes a CVS receipt look short. There’s something about picking just 10 that feels like a horrible choice … like those questions that ask “if your house was on fire and you could only save three books, which would they be?” I always just skip past those, and pretend I didn’t see them. But, I’m giving this one a shot. So here’s a top 10 list of my winter TBR, although this is in no way a comprehensive list of all the many books I actually plan to read this winter.

1. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

I’ve heard some really amazing things about her writing, and now that The Starless Sea is out, I figured it might be time to get cracking on reading this. Also, since it was just sitting right in front of my face on a library shelf, I couldn’t just walk past and leave it there, neglected.

2. Pan by Gina L. Maxwell

I had the pleasure of reading Hook recently, and that was my reintroduction to the genre of romance. When I realized it wasn’t the horribly written, plotless trash I had been exposed to many years ago, I was way more open to giving romance a shot. And when I had the opportunity to get my little hands on Pan, I jumped at the chance. I’ve heard great things about this. Bonus … there’s a character that may or may not be inspired by Jason Momoa. Please hold while I wipe up some drool.

3. Crush the King by Jennifer Estep

This is the third book in a trilogy, and I adored the first two books. I’ve had this book on my Kindle for a couple of months, and I haven’t read it yet. I develop these attachments to characters and series, and I’m just not ready to let this one go! I know if I read this, I’m going to really miss the whole world of Bellona, but I’m dying to find out what happens. So I’m committing to read this one. Because I really do love the series.

4. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

This is a book I’ve had my eye on, and I found it just sitting there looking lonely on the library shelf. I’ve heard really good things about it, in general and from other bloggers, who have similar tastes to mine. So it’s now sitting on my dresser waiting to be read.

5. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

I have to read this one, no doubt about it. While I’m normally the kind of woman who reads a book (even 800-page books) within 24 hours, it took me days and days to finish Six of Crows. I enjoyed it immensely, and was completely immersed in the story. I think there was something inside me that demanded that I savor every word in this book, and I gave into that completely. However, I’m desperate to know what happens next, so this is definitely getting read soon.

6. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo (and also Siege and Storm)

Okay, technically this is two books, but I’m treating it as one, and I don’t care if this is cheating. They’re the follow-up books to Shadow and Bone, another book that I fell in love with and need to find out what happens after the end of book one. I’m super excited to read these two books, since this was the series that introduced me to Leigh Bardugo’s writing in the first place.

7. Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

I’ve heard mixed reviews on this one. Some people loved it, some people loved the concept but not the book itself so much. I prefer to check it out and form my own opinion, but I love the idea of a West African-inspired fantasy, written by a POC. I’ve actively been trying to incorporate more diversity into my reading, and one that is still within my new favorite genre is even more alluring. It’s kind of long, but what can I say; I like big books and I cannot lie.

8. Dust of the Darkness by Deck Matthews

I read The First of Shadows last month, which was book 1 in the Riven Realms series, and it was a really interesting novella. It was a bit confusing at first, but once I finished the second chapter, I found my footing and enjoyed it a lot. It’s a quick read, and I’m looking forward to reading more of this action-packed and creative story.

9. Night by Elie Wiesel

Let me start out with this: my father was a Holocaust survivor. I don’t ever recall not knowing about this, or not having an understanding of what hatred can do. I recently came across a copy of this book in my house. I honestly didn’t know that we had a copy of it, although I shouldn’t be surprised because we have always had a lot of books on the Holocaust. I’m sure I’ve read it before, but don’t remember when. It isn’t easy reading, but I think that it’s important to read the hard books, the ones that are painful. I’m reading it this winter.

10. Nameless Queen by Rebecca McLaughlin

I was approved for this book through NetGalley, and I am pretty intrigued by the story summary. It’s another (yes, another) fantasy book that involves division among the classes and a girl from the lowest class ascending somehow to being named ruler of the land. It sounds like a fairytale, but as anyone who has read The Wicked King or The Queen of Nothing, it’s easier to take power than to keep it. It has some potential, and I’m curious to see if it lives up to it.

What are your top picks for your winter TBR? Stay tuned to see reviews for the books I’ve listed above and more!

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