Monthly Wrap Up

Monthly Wrap Up March 2024

March was a month full of ups and downs for me. The weather couldn’t decide if it wanted to be cold or warm, my energy and motivation couldn’t decide if it wanted to be at high levels or low levels, and the rain really did a number on my joints. The puppies have definitely been a handful, and I found out that I need to have a surgery on my shoulder on May 1. So I have really been trying to get through both my backlog and stay on top of upcoming releases. 

While I still focused pretty heavily on my ARCs, I also did some reading for fun. In addition, I’ve been reading some books that I’m taking my time with, so while they aren’t finished, I’m slowly working my way through the books. Here are some of my highlights from March:

  • I’m still gaining some more followers on my blog, which is always nice to see.
  • I currently have 7 past due NG ARCs, and 6 past due publisher ARCs. I’m still trying to make progress in this area and struggling at the moment, but hopeful.
  • I read 2 nonfiction books in March: 1 was about the Holocaust and the other was a historical true crime story.
  • I didn’t DNF any books in March.

Here’s my breakdown of monthly/cumulative totals for March: 

March Totals:

  • Books read: 14
  • Books DNF’d: 0
  • Pages read: 4,774
  • Hours listened: 9.0 hours
  • Average pages: 154
  • Average hours listened: 0.29 hours

Genres Read in March:

  • Contemporary: 1
  • Fantasy: 5
  • Historical Fiction: 1
  • History/War: 2
  • Mystery/Thriller: 4
  • Romance: 1

Backlist vs. New Releases:

  • Backlist books: 1
  • 2024 releases: 13

Fiction Vs. Nonfiction:

  • Fiction: 12
  • Nonfiction: 2

Format Read:

  • Print: 6
  • Digital: 7
  • Audio: 1

Age Range:

  • Adult: 12
  • YA: 2

My favorite book of the month was Finlay Donovan Rolls the Dice by Elle Cosimano.

Here’s what I read in March:

How was March for you? Did you read any really great books?

8 replies »

  1. What a huge month for you! I’m extremely impressed by how many books you can put away per month XD Mind, my own month was nothing to sneeze at! I’ve been on a reading high since the start of the new year, for which I give all credit to Taylor Jenkins Reid. Two weeks ago I read “The Will of the Many” by James Islington and it blew me away, and I can’t wait for the second book in that series. I’m currently reading “The Golem and the Djinni” by Helen Wecker – about 50% through. It’s a bit slow and I’m not sure where it’s going, but it’s positively charming, so I won’t be DNFing it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Golem and the Jinni was a slower paced book, but it was still a really good story that stole my heart. I love how similar our taste is turning out to be, and if I tell you that two years ago I was consistently putting away 30-35 books every month. It was ridiculous, but I’ve made more time for getting out and living, which is a good thing.

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      • I saw you read The Will of the Many in your last update! I’m OBSESSED with it!! I am going to be in agony until I can get my hands on the second book.

        I absolutely loved The Golem and the Djinni – that moment about 80% through when THAT REVEAL happens, I was like OHHHHH SHITTTT and suddenly everything clicked into place, turning a decent urban fairytale-like story into something that made my jaw drop.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Will of the Many absolutely blew my mind! And then that twist at the end?? It had me totally ready for the next book before the first was even released, and the wait is agonizing.

        I read The Golem and the Jinni as a buddy read, and while it was slower, I just loved the whole setting, the folklore and mythology of both Jewish and Arabic peoples and how it’s combined, and then how the whole story unfolded. I still need to read the next book!

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