Top Ten Tuesday

TTT – Unread Books On My Shelves I Want To Read Soon

Top Ten Tuesday used to be a weekly post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, but was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl. “It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.” This is definitely something I can understand and want to participate in.

I’m feeling personally called out by this week’s prompt, which is unread books sitting on my shelves I want to read soon (bonus points if you tell us how long it’s been sitting on your shelf waiting for you.) A lot of the people who read my blog are regular readers, especially on Tuesdays, so most of you are familiar with the older books that have been lingering on my shelves, giving me bookish guilt trips and staring at me like this:

Have no fear, dear readers, because I have a steady supply of books that I haven’t read yet but are sitting on my shelves. I’ve gotten some really good ones recently, and I completely blame Pango books. I sold a bunch of books I didn’t want anymore, and the money was just hanging out there…and then they give a refund to people who buy books off Pango with that money. So I obviously had to reinvest that money, leading to more unread books on my shelves! Here’s ten of my most anticipated reads, including some of my newest acquisitions, all of which are on my ‘read when I get through more of these ARCs’ list:

  1. The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo. I preordered this as soon as I could, and then got it and put it right onto the shelf.
  2. House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas. Another one I preordered immediately but didn’t get to read yet. Mainly because of the time investment for rereading all the previous books.
  3. Fourth Wing by Becca Yarros. I’ve been promising Julie @ One Book More that we’re going to buddy read this when I have time, but I’m starting to think that I’m going to have to make time.
  4. True Biz by Sara Novic. I picked this gem up at Savers a few months ago, after hearing good things in reviews.
  5. Night of the Witch by Sara Raasch and Beth Revis. This was a gift from a friend for my birthday, so it’s been sitting on a TBR shelf over my bed since January.
  6. The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyon. Another Savers find, this has been on my TBR forever, but only on my shelves for a few months.
  7. Daughter of the Merciful Deep by Leslye Penelope. This one has only been on my shelf for the last couple of weeks, but it sounds so good I can’t wait to get to it.
  8. Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson. I’ve heard so many great things about this story, I couldn’t resist grabbing if when it was for sale at Savers.
  9. An Unorthodox Match by Naomi Ragen. Yet another Savers find, this is sitting with my other books from that same shopping trip a few months ago.
  10. Casting Lots: Ancient Hebrew Divination Magic by Elisheva Nesher. Since I’m already drawn to divination, I couldn’t resist learning more about a form rooted in my own cultural traditions specifically. So I bought this book three months ago, and promptly placed it on my shelf to glare at me and make me feel bad for not reading it.

What are some books on your shelves that you haven’t read yet but mean to get to soon? Have you read any of the ones on my list yet?

34 replies »

    • Thank you! I’m guessing you get that same look and guilt trip from your books? LOL! I’ll definitely get to them eventually, otherwise I’ll have to come back as a ghost and haunt the library 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t it just the perfect gif for this post? I’m so thrilled for that book – the cover, the summary, just everything about it sounds great, and I’ve read another book by the author, so I’ve got high hopes for it!


    • I’m sorry you didn’t love that one. I’ve definitely been in the minority and not loved super hyped books that everyone else seems to love. But … not every reader is going to love every book. Here’s to finding new faves!


    • It’s funny how inanimate objects manage to make us feel so guilty! I’ve heard such good things about Tress and Sanderson books in general, so I figured it was worth the investment. Hopefully we enjoy all the books on our lists!


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