Tag: Monthly Reading

Monthly Wrap Up February 2022

I know February is a short month, but this one felt like it went by way faster than usual. I’m not sure how I managed to read 2 more books than last month with 3 days less, but I’m not complaining, and I get the feeling I’m going […]

State Of The Arc #11

I finished December with 12 ARCs left to be read.  In January, I got approved for 11 new ARCs, and so many of them were books I was really excited for. However, I didn’t read nearly as many ARCs as I was hoping to, although I did get […]

Monthly Wrap Up September 2021

Fall is finally here! I’m one of those people who love fall, so I’ve been reveling in pumpkin spice coffee and enjoying the cooler weather. September was a really busy month with a lot of Jewish holidays, and that meant a lot of downtime with the family and […]